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✨Aɴɪ-Cʜᴀɴ✨'s answer page 8 (156)

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I was getting bored to death, so I decided to come to mangago cuz there's always some drama going on here. Don't mind me, I'm just getting my popcorn to see how this unfolds   1 reply
10 02,2021
I have shorter hair, but I couldn't find the exact length there so this is me but with slightly shorter hair and a bit more plump   3 reply
18 02,2021
I hate porn of any kind, so no. Also, you kinda creepy Edit: Please delete this. I read the full thing and it is portraying fujoshis in a very bad light. I'm sorry to say that people hate on us because ppl like you literally say things like "uke/seme". Personally I don't like those terms. And I'm saying this as a fujoshi. I get what you're saying......   2 reply
19 02,2021
The royal colour- Purple   reply
13 02,2021
Go straight, take a left turn, bend the opposite way, swing your hips and your sexuality, then take a right turn and go up until you find the tennis balls and lick the tip. I am so sorry ya'all, I was just bored   reply
11 10,2020
about question
I'm a cat user is amazing 11696 and still reading..joined in 2017▰˘◡˘▰)   2 reply
21 02,2021
You DO know that bisexuals can be attracted to more than 2 genders, right? Please don't tell me you don't. (⊙…⊙ )   reply
01 03,2021
about question
(I don't read omegaverse but I'm answering this so ppl can see it.) GUYS PLEASE HELP THIS PERSON. GODS OF MANGAGO, I SUMMON YOU. Random pic-   reply
21 02,2021
This one? It was right there on the first pic lol   reply
24 02,2021
This happens to me a lot but I'm bi.   reply
17 02,2021
Please tell me that this is sarcasm   1 reply
05 05,2021
I already have a date with someone who already has multiple dates sooo, is it okay for you?   reply
12 02,2021
I effing hate porn, but for some weird reason, porn notifs keep flooding my phone. Tell her that you mistakenly clicked on a illegal site for one of your assignment, you didn't know it was illegal and so the notifs keep on coming. Also, you discovered yaoi one day thru anime and say that you hate gays (use the word "fags" for better effect) so much......   reply
09 02,2021
Noooooooo Please no Σ(っ°Д °;)っ   reply
18 02,2021
Wow!! Superb writing skills.   reply
22 02,2021
about question
20:20 p.m in my country hehe sweet dreams   reply
09 02,2021