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lapsohD's answer page 1 (26)

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Seventeen, txt   reply
28 07,2023
about question
My sense of direction is so bad I went down the escalator following the signs only to end up in the lift?? back onto the top floor   1 reply
20 03,2024
only if i’m not outside that day   reply
07 10,2023
It’s always our fault : (   reply
19 10,2023
17 03,2024
ISTP-T   reply
17 03,2024
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7 days
nct mark haechan svt hoshi txt yeonjun ~end~   reply
7 days
about question
Anything pasta, pesto, red sauce, white sauce Except seafood.   1 reply
20 08,2023
about question
maybe u gotta work urself a little higher up in the society before u see some attractive people   1 reply
04 03,2024
about question
mo dao zu shi and tian gong ci fu read the manga, watched the anime, read and bought the novel, believe it or not I still don’t like it but I convinced myself to give it many chances Maybe cuz I generally hate plotty stuff :p   2 reply
6 days
about question
usually i enjoy kids being an end story thing or in the side story   reply
6 days
I never questioned it. The dramas always shown 2 people in bed, went under covers, turned off lights and bam baby   reply
17 09,2023
idk i have an exam tomorrow   1 reply
29 08,2023
wtf aren’t those (toothbrush) basic needs that’s fine to ask but honestly I gave up (stopped caring) on asking for christmas or birthday presents and it’s 7years since I’ve received anything from my parents on these occasions   reply
06 01,2024
about question
22 09,2023
what manga is this   reply
22 09,2023
Oh nooo dear I think it’s best you just tell him since he’ll eventually find out   reply
25 08,2023
ISTJ-T   1 reply
15 08,2023
I don’t decide to quit, I’ll quietly lose interest then never come back   reply
19 11,2023