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fay96's answer page 1 (37)

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....i just want Berserk to get a decent animation for once. Im not asking for much,im asking for a studio to pick this pick up and take its time animating all those masterpiece panels ;-; maybe my grandson will get to watch it cause i know it aint gonna happen anytime soon ;-;   reply
04 07,2021
about question
i think you should talk to your boss and according to what they tell you to start looking for a new job while working where you are right now.   reply
29 06,2021
my dad caught me reading a Griffith x Guts DJ so rip to me since that day.   reply
29 06,2021
Berserk...once you read Berserk you cannot ever forget about serious yall.   reply
04 12,2020
No i dont want a dick,the idea of itself of having a dick frightens me cause ill be scared of a possible future injure on it etc lol. I love being a girl,and i embrace my womanhood,however it doesnt define who i am. Also,these girls are probably horny and in need of sex which is not bad of course,its normal to have all types of fantasies and i too ......   reply
04 12,2020
06 11,2020
Whatever helps them sleep at night   reply
06 11,2020
Goddamn Sakura from Naruto, Nami from OP, MOTHERFUCKER GRIFFITH from Berserk(best manga ever), Near from Death Note, Karin(also from Naruto), Dio from Jojo, amd Kirito from SAO. But damn if I had six bullets and all these people in one room, chained ,I would shoot all six of them to Griffith's head.   3 reply
23 08,2018
Loki y'all he is the biggest ducking diva ever, deserves all the love and protection and attention. In the comics he didn't die so I'm still an OK Loki fan^^   reply
26 05,2018
Sakura i wanted to blow off her head since episode 2, that bixh was disrespectful to anyone except her Sasuke,treating Naruto like a side annoying character...   3 reply
24 12,2017
1.Seme(fucx yeh) 2. Sasuke Uchiha(๑•̀ㅂ•́)و✧ 3."b-but we're both guys"(● ̄(エ) ̄●) 4.Yuri 5.The one who fell in love with senpai 6.Yuri squad(my entire life has been a lie) 7.Multiple orgasms(⊙…⊙ ) 8.Thrsm with fellow Libra and Sagittaurius 9..Im number 2(thats truee)   reply
03 11,2017
Taehyung aka V from BTS as Kaneki. Also as the protagonist from the 'Black Prince and the Wolf girl' Also Sangwoo from Killing Stalking   2 reply
29 10,2017
Zoro,that guy was the first big crush,that still goes on And Aomine these two are definitely my type,they are both so manly,well build and carefree(btw katsuki bakugou is trying to somehow snatch me HTF)   1 reply
26 10,2017
EVERYBODY. KNOWS. IT. EVEN MY EX BOYFRIEND. I just cant help when i go to a bar and see gay couples doing their flirt RIGHT IN FRONT OF MY SALAD. Im obviously screeching lowly and blushing while feeling blessed lol. My friends find my reactions fascinating apparently I need help.   1 reply
20 10,2017
Abnoxious(⌒▽⌒)   reply
11 10,2017
many answered "because its hot,its something 'forbidden'"so that makes it more scandalous to read and feed the mighty human curiousity. i think so too.(especially the dj genre they tend to have the hottest yaoi scenes xD) but anyway, i read them cause there are some masterpieces that prove that love doesnt have gender or maybe age?i appreciate all ......   reply
11 10,2017
I was 16 with my two year old relationship. I loved that guy(my ex) and probably never gonna stop from doing so,so i dont regret my choice(im 21 now btw)   reply
08 10,2017
16 i think,my first yaoi was from anime "Betrayal knows my name". I got kinda curious and almost excited learning the word yaoi and filling somewhat satisfied ,watching two men in love. One thing led to another,i finished in one night around 10 yaoi manga and it became my true obsession. Im 21 yrs old now,and i still read when i have time any new y......   1 reply
22 09,2017
Uni student majoring law-21 yr old girl, European from Athens(Greece),owns two doggies,AND I LOVE YAOI (● ̄(エ) ̄●)   2 reply
22 09,2017