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blehhhh's question page 2 (30)

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about question
now that we're grown (at least 2 some extent) yall gotta confess..which 1 of u was asking those weird ass questions on the old forums..
19 07,2023
about question
blehhhh 05 04,2021
when did this site come back I didn't know it was actually up and working
05 04,2021
blehhhh 23 09,2020
aye hey you, yeah you, might not know me but that dosen't matter, this a random homie checkup. How you doing? Good? Bad? Tell me what happened today, anything made you smile? Anything made you cry? Perhaps mad? Tell me about it, you're free to vent here, i hope everything gets better, stay strong bro
23 09,2020
i was taking a break from drawing and now that i'm back, i just can't seem to find any idea that pleases me?? So of course i have to ask the most creative people on the most questionable site, i found these three art pieces and i'm trying to do something like them, like a weird event kind of thing (pictures will be in answer with credit)
13 01,2021
about crying
stop sharing this mf site, it's illegal, LITERALLY illegal, if you wanna share it with your friend share it via DMs, calls, SOMEWAY that doesnt go public for the love of god
16 03,2021
about question
blehhhh 27 08,2023
goodmorning mgg forums how we feelin today
27 08,2023
blehhhh 25 08,2020
Listen up here fuckers, y'all better stop shoving things up your asses before I shove my hand down your throats until none of y'all can breathe (don't take this seriously hh) cuz i'm really not gonna be suprised if somebody shoves the whole fucking Eiffel Tower up their ass
25 08,2020
about question
Did anybody else imagine themselves as like the perfect person in class?? Like you'd imagine having the face of that pretty girl and having the brain of that one smart mf and then the clothes of whoever dresses up better in class and the rest is pretty self-explainable
16 06,2021
i'm tryna fight this artblock so give me ocs 2 doodle or smth please
22 10,2023
about question
blehhhh 13 07,2021
can someone drop all the memes they gathered from YD drama i wanna laugh my ass off
13 07,2021