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so random's answer page 2 (294)

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ask your dad.   1 reply
06 09,2020
i born sinned.   reply
06 08,2020
don't tell him. if you did he'll tell your mom about it and you'll get your ass beaten.   1 reply
02 08,2020
that ''now laugh'' got me.   reply
06 10,2020
if i become 2D will i be pretty.   1 reply
22 08,2020
good I glad I saw this before trying to tell people about this website. ;-;   reply
27 06,2020
If mangago shut down, ima going back to roblox and have my boring life.   reply
15 09,2020
the one that the seme is literally a psychopath that kidnaps uke..   2 reply
01 06,2020
cant decide .   1 reply
26 07,2020
people who shove fruits up their ass.   2 reply
06 09,2020
about stalking
1.santa actually exist 2.babies came out from the ass ╥﹏╥   2 reply
16 06,2020
your adopted.   reply
07 08,2020
my asian mom*told me to die every time she mad.   1 reply
03 09,2020
so random
06 08,2020
no.   reply
06 08,2020
this   5 reply
29 08,2020
i watched few episodes but i don't really like it, so i gave up watching. i didn't say i hate it, don't come at me.   reply
01 09,2020
about question
sweetie stop.. stop talking to your imaginary friends, they don't exist especially on this site.   2 reply
17 02,2021