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redlilies's answer page 3 (49)

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catching up on reading when i was busy the whole week   reply
08 08,2023
i love how y'all have different answers   reply
06 04,2021
about question
i honestly forgot its been long I thought it wouldn’t ngl but a manga i read had like the mc being an omega said like in his world like same sex partner was frowned on even tho it was an omegaverse shocked me sm ngl i was like what…so the ans i think would just still be yes tbh some ppl will just hate to hate even irl   1 reply
11 04,2024
my mom was right the more I’m growing up the less sweet i eat :/   reply
08 05,2024
about lmao
why is mine in japanese T_T   reply
13 04,2021
i was so bored at 4 am and i found this gintama djs and most of them are super disturbing one was where hijikata (not sure of his name) was stuck in a hole and gintoki basically f*cks him in the other side and he left him there not cleaning him, his pants down and he went somewhere while hijikata was deadass r@ped by strangers and the whole time he......   1 reply
11 02,2021
tbh if you can't call child service and all that i suggest you just wait till you're 18 or adult enough to be able to make your own money and move out of there and live your life be free and fall in love i'm not much of a help but pls be really careful now that you know what your mom thinks of you and just pretend tbh if you're someone who's stil......   reply
06 03,2021
I read isekai’s i really love them I also read childcare or family bonding stuff and romance (mlm,wlm,wlm) anything that has good plot tbh and action I read a lot of actions just not in this site only   reply
03 05,2021
15 08,2023
the thing is like to people who reads them like whatever cause i know those can be in any genre whether its romance or even in action however there’s a clear difference when someone reads it they obviously show they dont fw r@pe and someone who does and gets mad at ppl who doesn’t (which dont try to argue with me cause they exist some user here......   reply
15 08,2023