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maiee :)'s answer (20)

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everytime i watched lesbian porn, i used to force myself to watch a straight one so it would cancel out   4 reply
04 12,2020
about question
can we not   1 reply
15 05,2021
when it's an m/m fic and the characters in canon are both v masculine and strong but the fic twinkifies one of them to the point that they are unrecognizable. and "orbs"   2 reply
23 01,2024
maiee :)
01 08,2023
tbh   2 reply
01 08,2023
nonononononono   reply
18 05,2021
it’s me guys! sorry lol :)))   1 reply
17 06,2021
and i thought my 28 were bad...   reply
18 05,2021
about question
i am very okay with this   reply
15 05,2021
shimanami tasogare   1 reply
27 05,2021
horny   reply
01 06,2021
i’m a lesbian as well! i also read a lot of bl, although i prefer gl :) sadly no gf yet   2 reply
09 05,2021
about lgbt
NO????   reply
14 05,2021
whatever tf this is   3 reply
23 01,2024
about question
tysm for making this !!   reply
18 05,2021
it’s definitely possible your gay, the same thing happened to me and i’m a lesbian. i would say for now don’t really worry about it as you’ll figure it out eventually.   reply
29 12,2020
wtf did i expect from a title like that   1 reply
25 12,2020