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No but I hope you get therapy one day!   reply
07 06,2021
"Getting off on fictional gay sexual relationships is not fetishization because sex is inherently sexual, therefore, it can’t be fetishized." Then explain girls wanting to be men so that they can experience gay sex and non mlm/nblm who read yaoi for the sex scenes... do you know how dumb you sound right now This is just sad as a whole because m......   reply
20 11,2020
No offense but Clown Academy just opened up its admissions portal   2 reply
10 07,2020
The one where the Japanese guy killed and ate his classmate when he was in college in France and now he roams free because France deported him without giving Japan the trial details   2 reply
28 05,2021
Bruh first there was that dumb fujoshi shipping post and now this... some people on this site... please...   1 reply
11 07,2020
CONSENT Also when they respect each other's privacy wow we stan   reply
12 07,2020
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OP asks black people for their opinion and gets pressed nbs in the replies instead LMAOOO No one is gatekeeping and if you see it that way then maybe you just need to reevaluate yourself :D   reply
04 04,2021
Stop let me pray for you Heavenly Father   reply
21 07,2020
Jiwon was weird but I did like the part where he stood up for DG at the end... otherwise yeah BJ Alex is not a good manhwa   reply
06 10,2020
He is islamophobic and has joked about incest and pedophilia He also dehumanized Blue Ivy for literally no reason so there is that as well   2 reply
04 04,2021
I hope this is a copypasta no one can be this stupid in real life   1 reply
04 11,2020
Lol don't you guys have better things to do... come on   reply
25 09,2020
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There is almost no BL where the characters don't mess up in some way or act normally The only one I can think of is Sugar Dog Life (the policeman one)... even Hwi from that gym trainer BL isn't safe bc he had sex with the MC when he was drunk   reply
21 02,2021
Code Geass and Black Lagoon   reply
28 04,2021
Lmao why does it sound like you want to say the words You also literally called them slurs so I suggest you look up the definition of "slur" because that might answer your question   2 reply
06 09,2020
The entire plot of Tougen Anki   reply
26 05,2021
PLEASE what is this   reply
13 11,2020
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What did I just read LOL   reply
04 04,2021
Isn't there a Yuri on Ice one where one of them gets kidnapped or something and then someone gets decapitated that one is just foul   1 reply
30 11,2020