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sohihi's question (1)

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so it was a japanese yaoi manga (or dj idk) more likely black and white style but i dont remember anymore T T.

what i remember about the plot:
- they wear kimono, so it was a historical themed one
- almost all the scenes were in a japanese old house
- the uke lived in that house alone
- idk anymore how much smutty scenes were in it but there was some for sure
- the seme was a demon/monster/idk who could transform into it and ate humans??
- it was a serious one
- the seme and uke was kinda similar build

the last chapter was something like: something happened to the uke, the seme got angry and went to the town and killed the people there and even ate them??? after that he came back to the uke and was in his demon/monster form and the uke saw that and he didnt mind it and they made out. the seme was fully transformed and was like a big wolfish something with bones and maybe half of his face was bones also. he had long tongue too and the uke sucked on it??? (not sure tho)

i only rememeber these things. please help me find this one T T
29 03,2024