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swann's answer page 3 (225)

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istg- yeah- classes are so stressful-   1 reply
13 10,2020
when all my classes are done for the day   1 reply
17 09,2020
01 09,2020
fucking help me get out of that school hell (/TДT)/ Online classes :/ uhhhhh .-. i kinda forgot everything- :)   reply
01 09,2020
damn, I just think about how lonely I am seeing those fucking amazing relationship goals- T-T   1 reply
29 08,2020
28 09,2020
Meme just says it all. I feel you- I like to be in my own world- not talking to anybody- just myself and only myself. Quietness, nobody annoying you, asking for homework answers, and yea. If you feel like that then you should explain it to them! I might not know your parents, but maybe explaining how you feel they will understand more? My mom alway......   1 reply
28 09,2020
Wait you didn't know I live here?!? I am just here 24/7 answering ppls questions, making lists, reading some "wholesome" stuff ;) .....LMAO that is so true ;) love you too~   2 reply
12 09,2020
Coffee- oml it is immaculate- uwu   reply
18 09,2020
I just agree with them, rap up the convo up, and rethink my life (_ _")   reply
16 09,2020
I have a mix of aesthetics ;)   3 reply
22 09,2020
26 09,2020
YES!! I 100% agree   reply
26 09,2020
04 10,2020
WHAT?!? interesting- but like isn't 8-10 still in grade school? uhhhhhh- but I started cussing when I was 9 or 10 so like-   1 reply
07 09,2020
Ahh, I love two of my sisters   reply
30 09,2020
17 09,2020
Always the same stuff happening so- I am 50% doing okay :3   reply
17 09,2020
My Asian parents beat my ass- for having this- :0   1 reply
29 09,2020
My mom and dad: You can do it! Making rice is easy! :) Me: I tried 6 many more times do you want me to try to make it? Both of them: Just let us do it. You can't even make the easiest thing in the world :(   1 reply
10 09,2020
I think the "easily distracted award" goes to me (_ _")   1 reply
18 09,2020
uh getting an F- on a test- how am I still alive- my Asian parents were pissed-   reply
31 08,2020
Dear Future Self, I have to say you will have amazing food taste, math is not gonna be your best friend :/, you will read so much Yaoi lmao, and you have some amazing friends!! Edit: Remember to buy some bleach - Me ^-^   1 reply
04 09,2020
Yes, but only if they clearly like each when it is so obvious that they both like each other. I don't like being shipped at all with somebody unless, I like them, but I currently don't like anyone, and my friends still ship me :/   1 reply
15 09,2020