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YuiNanami's answer (11)

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I am also an straight girl well actually I think I'm sexually fluid. I was in love with my best friend in the 7th till now. I am a sophomore soon to be junior in highschool. He is gay. I was the only one who figured out that he was gay but he kept denying his sexuality, but I always hoped I was wrong. Just recently he told me he is gay and is fine ......   reply
19 04,2018
Yes, I did confess. I've liked my guy best friend for like 4 years now, but I never told him because one of our other friends liked him and would pursue him openly, so I tried getting over it. At the time I knew he was gay but he constantly denied it, he just wasn't ready for everyone to know. Just recently he came out to me and so I figured that i......   1 reply
04 05,2018
It is a thai drama. I'm not sure where you can watch it but you can probably find it on mydramalist.   1 reply
12 06,2018
"No you wouldn't" Around people at my school I am very calm and collected because of that they assume their are certain things I wouldn't do. For example this one time a guy was hollering at me (probably younger than me) and got really close to me, so I stepped up next to him and gave him the dirtiest look and told him "What? what?" He stopped and ......   reply
23 03,2018
about nicknames
Okay so I have my real name, but nobody calls me that so all my life I have been called by a nickname, but since not alot of people know my real name they think my nickname is my real name. They end up making nicknames for my nickname lol. I have the sound roar in my name, so alot of people just call me that or associate me with a lion. Like when t......   reply
03 05,2018
about penpals
Hi, I would love to add you on line. I'm also 16 and LGBT+   reply
29 10,2018
YuiNanami 01 04,2018
Yo! I'd love to talk with you too!(づ ̄ ³ ̄)づ   reply
01 04,2018
about penpals
Hi, I'd love to chat with you! We pretty much have the same interests. Do you have discord or Line? If you can please message me on my page on here (the private email thingie on here) and I will send you my username for whatever messaging you have :)   reply
01 04,2018
about penpals
Hi, I'll talk with you. I like cute things too lol. If you can please message me on my page on this website, so I can give you my username!   reply
01 04,2018
YuiNanami 01 04,2018
Hi! Please send me your instagram   reply
01 04,2018
YuiNanami 01 04,2018
To be honest the person who would be ideal for me is someone who is not overly sensitive but can also be kind of pouty at some points. He also has to be funny and nice. I kind of based this off I guy that I liked and I want to say he liked me too because when I would be friendly with other guys he would bonk me on the head with a book or stand behi......   2 reply
01 04,2018