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cultivation furnace's answer page 1 (23)

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Let me dissect this. .... Aye you know what I can't dissect this I would need context. If you're a dude, you're most probably gay, if you're a girl, you're still straight or some shit, but you have no hope to get together with them because they're gay lmao.   reply
07 02,2021
03 05,2021
The ones that feel like home.   reply
18 01,2021
Gladly, take me away   1 reply
05 03,2021
if they have the "ur mom fat" level of thought process then I have to stoop down to that process too to make them understand my point. I'll troll the shit out of anyone if I need to prove my shit.   reply
05 03,2021
*cough* When I read about it once. I think mine are someone's expressions when they're in despair or when they're turned on. Either of those make me go "Oh my~". ESPECIALLY THE DESPAIR ONE, it makes me read more tragedy comics. It's so exhilarating for some reason. LMAO I sound like a psychopath.   1 reply
06 02,2021
F comrade. I'll remember the 20 seconds I spent reading your message. You are a very good person I know. By the way, is your name Kyle?   1 reply
06 10,2020
about question
I always wear a ponytail. a l w a y s   reply
27 04,2021
boobas.   reply
05 03,2021
Diving into stray kids, still into bts after more than half a decade and STILL very much into exo after 7 years   1 reply
06 02,2021
Aiya I made him with one of my ocs in mind. criteria was basically > make him look like an asshole > attractive asshole > needs to have piercings > sense of fashion is wack   reply
04 03,2021
im a fucking jojotard which is where "ora" came from, and aui was because it was on a username generator or some shit idk. I mix them together and boom "aui-ora".   reply
18 01,2021
I didn't read any of that crap. You're in a site filled with r18 shit why u put that here, put that shit on Twitter with the sjws or something.   1 reply
04 01,2021
bro i swear to lord jesus christ, I just finished making mine and then boom "本日17:00より実施致しましたメンテナンスを終了致しました。 ご協力ありがとうございました。" It says the server maintenance thingy just finished, I panicked lmao but it was here. They more or less loook more like partners in crime ra......   2 reply
04 03,2021
If you want sauce, which I know you probably, very much probably, do, then kono mama kimi wo~   reply
06 02,2021
Ay! that's really nice! For me the crippling sense of stress and the idea of losing all my loved ones is slowly dawning in on me and I slowly get more and more depressed thinking about it and I want to give up and not try anymore but I'm scared of being seen as a disappointment by my relatives and everyone else because that's how much I care about ......   1 reply
04 03,2021
letters of my name + my profession as a jojo-tard   reply
06 02,2021
Start watching vtubers yeah ;DD   1 reply
04 01,2021
about lmao
dude looks like a yankee   reply
22 04,2021