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BeeHive's answer page 6 (120)

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27 01,2024
Me personally i think there are some people who is born "evil". Just like your example, there are many studies where it is believe that psychopath comes from genetic aka from birth. But thats where the nature vs nuture debate comes in. Just because you are born with psychopath genetic doesn't mean you definitely gonna be one a lot of the factor......   reply
27 01,2024
Who is this "you" ? But from what I see there been many cases of nostalgia rose tinted effects or whatever people called it. These "fans" usually read BJ Alex as their first / early BL story and they associate good memories to it. Also it got famous because people wont stop recommending and sharing it on tiktok. I MEAN ONE OF THE REASON WHY WE U......   reply
14 04,2024
30 03,2024
Have you tried facial or peeling treatments ? I do them regularly at clinic and it works wonder on me just find a good dermatologist   reply
30 03,2024
Miscommunication is okay but some of the bl story overuse this to the point of me doubting if they are even ready for relationship if they ain't gonna communicate anything and jusg jump to conclusions   1 reply
21 03,2024
Manga : doraemon Anime : hachi   reply
04 05,2021
about question
Whichever that involves beta (preferably as a top)   reply
15 05,2024
about question
Well i dont exactly found it but near our university there a food stall that is super cheap like dirt cheap. My friend is saving money and said they been regular at that place for several weeks. She ask me to accompany her to eat there after class so I thought might I as well grab something to eat too. The line is kinda long and It was an open kitc......   reply
15 05,2024
about question
21 03,2024
21 03,2024
The only way for you to get closure is to talk to the main party involved and that is the so called "leader" ask her what you did that makes her cry and why she blame you for not being able to take that teacher lesson. Ask her is she has any thoughts on fixing and restarting you guys relationship or does she want to cut you off entirely. You won......   1 reply
18 04,2024
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Cantonese If someone with daddy build speak Cantonese they somehow has increase their daddy poin for me But if we are talking about english accent then the answer is Australian for me   reply
21 03,2024
I dunno about yall but i love my man with pure face but very mischievous inside and i love my girl cute like hella cute pure angelic smile and everything.   reply
29 04,2021
Whut   reply
14 03,2024
1. A tsundere honest type man i don't know how to explain this but they sort of honest and shy ?? 2. The one that can take care of me / mature chic kinda guy 3. Someone who has similar taste to me or understand my personality it would be great if we can playfully argue with each other because honestly that type of humor and affection that many peo......   reply
24 08,2020
about question
Nope mine is just dandy and fine   reply
14 04,2024
about question
Immediately went to get that service hun the longer you wait the more severe the damage gonna be and thats mean more money to spend   reply
18 04,2024
He is beyond stressed and need 2 emotional support plushie at all time please be kind   reply
12 days
about question
Is the universe called asia and africa continent?   reply
27 01,2024
about question
Yes but I prefer not to   reply
11 04,2024
about go bald
Me personally, joining club really help elevate my university experience. It helps in socializing, a short distraction from my major and as a reminder to not rot in my room.   reply
25 03,2024
04 05,2021
The only asmr i like is keyboard typing sound which i only watch until 30 secs max because it gets boring. the others are just so uncomfy to my ear.   reply
04 05,2021