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WoahMama's answer page 7 (129)

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about question
Chocolate and bacon are overrated. Crocs are Ugly. Who cares if people get plastic surgery? Like really is it your body/face?   reply
09 02,2024
about dating
I have had extreme trust issues. Like I don't trust myself and the person who tells me they like me or that I'm pretty/nice/etc. I did grow up with having more guy friends than female friends and it's not that I'm afraid to get close to men, but to be emotionally be attached to someone is terrifying unless I know them for a long time. It wasn't so ......   reply
20 07,2020
What's YTC?   1 reply
05 01,2024
about question
I work with the public so I hear a lot of stupid things but I think the most stupidest I heard recently was from a girl who was banned from my store and had assaulted me a few months before this. I think she was high as shit. Me: You need to get out of my store now. Girl: "I went to court so I'm allowed to be here." Me: "You are banned court does......   reply
03 05,2021
You could also try to contact an artist on Webtoons or Tapas to see if they would like to see your script and if you'd collaborate. I don't know how that works, I think it would be a lot of discussing and such.   reply
22 06,2021
about question
But to be real I would look exactly like my younger brother and its a downer to imagine what Id look like as a guy.   reply
04 02,2024
about question
You're going to get the death grip. If you ever have sex don't blame your partner for your dick not getting hard. That's the worst kind of partner.   1 reply
10 05,2024