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stan bts's answer page 2 (150)

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lmfaoo fr people gotta stop licking his boots, I have never seen him have a actual valid discussion without bringing something irrelevant into the conversation also youve gotta be pretty bad to be blocked by DED lol   1 reply
25 04,2021
stan bts 11 05,2021
honestly why cant lezhin support ads so readers can watch some ads and then receive some coins, and there's a daily limit so if you want more coins you can buy more my g brainly does this and its pretty effective, everyone's circumstances are different i think this can help everyone   1 reply
11 05,2021
literally who cares bruh   1 reply
20 02,2021
please the facts i see honestly mfs use the word fetishizing once and think they have a PhD in social sciences   3 reply
22 02,2021
about lmao
stan bts 13 04,2021
this is the problem, theres always going to be elitists in every group, its not limited to generation. doesn't matter ethnicity, economic class, body, etc. those types of people believe they are superior to others, which unfortunately no one can stop it. i think this is how division can be created, two opposing groups with different ideology, doesn......   reply
13 04,2021
stan bts 10 05,2021
do people actually think its creepy? bruh there's plenty of people who like miraculous ladybug and they're adults, its fine bro don't think too much of it   2 reply
10 05,2021
stan bts 02 12,2020
lmao stan bts   1 reply
02 12,2020
bitch then deactivate, no one's stopping you   4 reply
23 09,2020
about question
bruh you like what you like whats so complicated about that   reply
08 04,2021
who still calls themselves fujos tho its not cute, I don't see people being like shotalover888 or hentaibitch lmaoo just say you like bl and go, I acc like bl because its fun but I'm not gonna call myself a fujo but honestly who cares about shit like this, this is turning into twitter, what is even the purpose, calling out fujos? for what benefit o......   reply
17 01,2021
fuck women.   3 reply
11 03,2021
ill say it and ill say it again, fuck them tiktokers. they want some clout thats all   1 reply
18 07,2020
about question
??? its not even shounen ai yet idk what people are on why is this even a big deal? because of one comment? this got blown out of proportion edit: if you find it sexual, you're the one sexualizing it not the comments,   reply
28 06,2021
stan bts 18 08,2020
youre right, people should read tags about a comic before starting it   reply
18 08,2020
damn how soft are you, scary? bro youre not gonna survive in the real world if you think that people on the internet is sCarY   2 reply
07 09,2020
wtf is axe or skid marks, i hate straggots periodt   reply
24 09,2020
about question
nothing   reply
23 05,2021
02 10,2020
about question
stan bts 12 04,2021
what you need is to get your internet cut   reply
12 04,2021