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lilithespark's answer page 2 (46)

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Yes, I am a Beta. I don’t have to deal with heat periods and no Alphas. Yes. This is the sublime life. I’m a Gemini. Oop.   reply
22 02,2021
My parents don’t really support homosexual relationships. Every time I try ask them what’s wrong with someone’s different way of loving that diverts from “normal relationships,” we get into an argument. I honestly don’t care anymore. They can think what the like. I’m just going to keep on thinking the way I think.   reply
03 07,2020
good luck and make sure to take your suppressants   reply
28 08,2023
about question
honestly i hate the term in general. all it really tells you (the way ppl use it) is that there’s no sex lmao   3 reply
5 days
about birthday
Honestly, sarcasm is flexible in a lot of ways. Ways I like to express sarcasm is just overall saying things I don’t mean (like saying something when my tone suggests otherwise). I try to make it obvious by projecting the tone and emphasizing it while saying such sarcastic statements. I feel like you can also express sarcasm on the internet, too.......   reply
20 12,2020
Fanfiction. Wattpad. Percy Jackson. Addicted. All I have to say.   1 reply
17 07,2020
I am a sarcastic b!tch. One of my many redeeming qualities.   1 reply
21 12,2020
5. Ignores the child Not my problem. It’s their parents fault that they raised such a kid that cries in public. None of my business. Just giving mental wishes to parents to parent better.   reply
28 12,2020
about question
i write summaries because-i just want to? it also helps give me more reminders because i don’t always read comics consecutively. i jump from one to the other, and when the comic updates, i have to remind myself what the plot is about, since i probably have other plots on my mind.   reply
14 07,2020
about question
this goddamn song is a freaking masterpiece   reply
22 10,2023
i’m a beta yayyyy   reply
31 12,2023
This is my way of coping, okay?   reply
30 10,2020
Depressed and suicidal. Hbu?   reply
22 07,2021
Yeah, I pretty much had the same reaction as everyone else. I was really shocked and baffled. One thing, I was reading a comic with normal moments, then, BAM the bowchikawowwow came in. I would like to say that I knew exactly what I felt, but I can’t. I do remember feeling aroused, though. The second-hand embarrassment had me pausing to collect m......   reply
08 01,2021
about question
It’s natural that humans will place their kind and species over the wellbeing of others. Just look at the meat industry. If people have no problem killing an animal, then they probably won’t have a problem exploiting it sexually either. It really depends on where your morals lie. Do you care for a human child, one you can more easily communicat......   reply
19 07,2023
lilithespark 28 11,2020
At least, they were honest.   reply
28 11,2020