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wot?!!'s question page 2 (39)

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09 10,2020
Sure, a person's favorite fictional character may not love them back; but I think it's fine to express such feelings as a healthy outlet!
I support the selfship and character x oc stories, and it's nice hearing people be confident about it too. ^^
Eons ago; I used to get teased really badly by my ex friends for my fictional crushes, EVEN THOUGH THEY HAD THEM TOO!!!

My question is this: have you got any oc x character ships or selfships etc? And how do you feel about having a fictional crush?
09 10,2020
14 09,2020
Pretend you are in a romance manga (any genre). In this, the most popular player of the school asks you out.
Hearing rumors about how they tend to not be in any long term relationship which has made many of their exes sad- but how they are also very experienced in making a partner feel good- how would you respond to their confession?

Their confession is this:
"I like you because you don't seem to be into me, like everybody else. Care to give me a try?"

14 09,2020
about lmao
hi my ass is feeling so bitter after a heartbreak betrayal pls can you recommend any bl (or even a gl/ hetero manga) with like a touching warm love story that make u cry w joy before i become so bitter that i turn to stone or some shit?

thank you, i really appreciate this (๑•ㅂ•)و✧
17 06,2021
03 11,2020
Treat yourself nicely, let yourself take a rest.
Make sure to give yourself the love you deserve.... no matter what others say.
Remember that other's opinions of you don't always define you.
Your existence is a worthy one; and just as important as anybody else's.
03 11,2020
There was a hilarious shoujo manga about an annoying rich guy who'd even chuck money at people but had a tsundere side; and a hilarious girl who'd deadpan comments at him. she was so funny lmao, i loved it. I think he was student council prez, and what made her awesome is that she saw right through him....
18 02,2021
Whether you rejected them or not, the player managed to convince you to eat at a family diner with them!
It is very awkward.
Throughout the whole event, they try to talk about anime and manga with you in order to get into your good books; but they often make mistakes with character names and anime series (like thinking that Goku is the protagonist of Naruto or something dumb like that)
When you're about to get frustrated and leave, he picks up the phone only for an unfinished manga manuscript to fall out of their bag?!!!
Shocked, you find out that the school player also writes doujinshi for various genres.
"As you can tell, I'm a noob when it comes to anime and manga," They admit; blushing strongly. "But I really love to draw it..."
They then go on to explain how none of their friends or exes really like it so they haven't been able to chat about it with anyone.
"But then, I caught you reading manga alone in the classroom, so I... I wanted to catch your attention by inviting you over."

14 09,2020
nowadays i only dream about them once a month, but at one point he was there almost EVERYDAY.
This person is my fav character, who originates from ancient mythology- but he is so popular that he can be found in shin megami tensei, fate stay/night and its other titles, Granblue Fantasy, random ecchi manga (they made him a little girl LMAO)... his weapon is even in fire emblem!!!!
It's like he is everywhere LMAO.
I do wonder why that happened, and what my brain was trying to tell me concerning his character.
And they weren't just romantic or sexual dreams either, sometimes he'd even fucking HACK MY COMPUTER or take the piss out of me in a dream LMAOOO

Have any of you had a similar experience, in which you have dreamt many different dreams about a certain person/character/ thing?
08 10,2020
I'm really starting to realize that without:
- communication
- negotiation
- respect
- attraction
- understanding
and other shit like that, a romance can easily go sour during the bad times.

I used to believe in the shoujo style romances, the incredible chemistry between partners shown in romcom movies and bl couples and the thought that "you only truly find yourself when somebody accepts you" which i learnt from fruits basket as a kid growing up alongside it.

But I've learnt... real life is so bloody different lmao!!!!Σ(  ̄□ ̄||)
02 10,2020
about question
a bit worried about that actually
you know 4chan, the Japanese forum bursting with random post chains and urban legends?
mangago is starting to become an urban legend of its own....
20 11,2020
Despite being an adult who DOES develop crushes on real people (rarely) and does also have passing crushes on a LOT of fictional characters (which usually consists of me idealizing them and then just being a chill fan of them once the idealization wears off); something has been making me confused a bit lately.

There has been one fictional character I've had a crush on for almost 3 years. I have already gone through my idealization phase for them; and no longer see them with rose glasses.... yet I still like this character a lot.

Yet even with real crushes, they usually pass after like a short while.


Thanks for reading, have a splendid day!!!(๑•ㅂ•)و✧
03 09,2020
I find it really hard to find a GOOD m x f smut manga to read- whether legal or illegal.
Especially one with female protagonists, it makes me sad how it is common in Japan to write them as naive women who are taken advantage of by non-consenting dominant love interests.
I would love to see more strong women in smut manga who can actually have more fun and power in the smutty scenes; ones who can challenge their love interests if they mess up.

I remember i was so hyped to read the smut manga about a sexy incubus (sex demon) because damn they are HOT ...but i was so disappointed to find out that he ends up abusing a teenage girl who only wanted to study for her exams....
(like i wonder why can't the incubus go full dong on a consenting adult instead? )
And then i compare it to the ecchi succubus manga that i once read that was SUPER CUTE... and a BL incubus manga which was also SUPER CUTE...yet no smut manga even matches up to these two which is disappointing.
it kinda baffles me why there aren't enough variety in women protagonist personalities in m/f smut manga either.
are there any good m/f smut manga? do they exist?????????
20 09,2020
I was wondering if anybody has heard of a certain bl manga before. I forgot the title but the plot is like this:
- one guy loves to hug the mc but the mc has a phobia of being touched
- hug man and touch phobia man slowly overcome this phobia together
- they share a dorm for like the collage trip
- hug man has brown hair, phobia man has black hair.

It sounds similar to the BL of the two actors (daitarekai otoko) ; but it's kinda different as its set in education and the hug guy in this manga is much more consensual and respectful of the needs of touch phobia guy.
23 08,2020
about question
I just wanna say this.
Some forms of love do not fit some people and others do, and that is fine. Not everybody can work past their differences and/or compromise and that's when a relationship ends, I guess??
You don't have to put up with everything. It's ok to leave if it hurts too much.
09 06,2021
haha ZANGETSU goes brr
sorry grimmjow
14 09,2020
it's true.
some characters are really messed up, and have done terrible things.
but you know what, if a person likes them then you can't stop them from doing so.
real life morals and fiction have got a very deep link, especially when fiction does derive from the feelings and scenarios that real life people can relate to or feel a kinship with.
but regardless of these issues, i feel like people just like who they like.

p.s. i think it's an added bonus to like an evil character; whilst being aware of their misdeeds.
it was so tough for me to do it at first! but then i realized that in reality too, humans don't need to accept everything about a person to claim that they like them.
12 11,2020
29 09,2020
who's your favorite character and why?
Also what do you think of the witches?
29 09,2020
Sometimes I wonder if hatred and infatuation/lust have more in common than i originally thought. Both require you to be overly concerned about a person.
But with hatred, your concern for a person is very negative and destructive.
Whilst with infatuation your concern for a person can be many things depending on the way you love; but hopefully its more positive!
At the root of both obsession is strong.

ok thats all i had to say
04 11,2020
08 10,2020
i forgot to write it properly.
So anyway, it's a badass concept to imagine people fighting each other with raps and singing instead of weapons.
Who is your fav?
What would you do if you were in the world of hypnosis mic (join gang, fight ppl, make out with ur favs idk)?
08 10,2020
about question
sometimes i feel like i should make a smut manga (one volume only). maybe a bl or even a hetero one, but im just so unsure about what 2 do!!
but i wonder what makes a GOOD smut manga? i personally think to me this is what makes a good one:
- some fire (like you can feel the emotions during the scene) like HEAT FEEL HOT
- a little bit of plot build up so i can understand wtf is going on
- a teensy flashback
- a bit of insight into both characters' personalities and their opinions of one another (like if its a whole 4 chapters, at least one chapter about who they are helps me enjoy it more)
- them saying original lines whilst having sex i guess? sometimes it just feels like they're using the typical lines only sometimes and it lacks a bit of personality
- pretty art?????

Wbu? What make a good smut manga for you?
23 06,2021