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KokoroSlasher's answer page 1 (36)

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Man I'm going to be reading this shit in my special spot in hell. It got me sent there so like why stop when I got nothing left to lose   3 reply
04 07,2020
My mom smashed my laptop. She actually did lmfao   reply
22 10,2020
Any dude from a sports anime more or less   reply
29 06,2020
The real question is do any of y'all look like his mom?   reply
06 10,2020
Boku No Hero is overrated and so is Black Clover. Not saying they're bad, just average at best (can't change my mind on the Black Clover anime cause the anime, in particular, is just trash) I read both of these before they got popular and I feel like the popularity made the quality of storytelling go down. I don't know, could just be my opinion.   2 reply
08 10,2020
Okay, besides the fact you should stop lmfao Your urine is dark yellow cause you're dehydrated and you need to drink some fuckin water my guy. Drinking urine is not going to quench your thirst no matter how good it may taste to you so please stop. But seriously, the questions on this site get weirder every day   1 reply
13 08,2020
Ochaco is a shallow underdeveloped character who just serves as a love interest for Deku   1 reply
17 11,2020
Watching Great Pretenders right now and my heart's getting played with ;-;   2 reply
05 10,2020
Gyeong Joon from Dear Door   reply
06 07,2020
I like the ships you mention because in my opinion, the girls in BNH aren't written well. I dislike Uraraka cause her personality just annoys me. All the other female students don't leave much of an impact on (Toga's cool tho). I feel like Shounen in general has a hard time making likable female characters. Just ship who you want I guess, canon or ......   reply
14 09,2020
You make a valid point and I've never thought about it like that cause I'm a similar age to those I'm reading about. In America especially, a lot of teenagers are sexualized (think TV shows like Riverdale or Gossip Girl) so for me personally, I've just become immune to it like it's normal I guess? Cause it's no secret teenagers are horny ass mfs.   reply
07 01,2021
Every character in Kakegurui But I like Mary x Yumeko the most   reply
09 01,2021
I rewatch Winx Club every so often and literally any show that was on 4Kids (Huntik was my favorite). I also liked WITCH and Code Lyoko (any fans of these here?) Many cartoons back then were really the shit. Now it's just so meh   2 reply
03 10,2020
Since I laughed so hard at this, Imma see y'all in hell   reply
25 08,2020
I'm so fucking bad at math and the internet cut when the teacher was explaining some important shit Now I'm so behind and I was literally gone for 10 fucking minutes   1 reply
06 10,2020
Not a crush, but I was having some lewd fantasies about a girl who sat next to me in English class when I spaced out for a sec. Then I got scared when she asked me a question cause it caught me off guard.   reply
28 09,2020
I mean you're attracted to fictional people within your age group which is pretty normal. It's probably a phase you'll grow out of   reply
29 08,2020
My boi fencing has been left out   reply
10 09,2020