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Idinem's question (3)

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Can be bad or good. Randomly got this question in my head while watching some korean dramas and being able to predict what happens next. I can't think of any for myself since my life is pretty uninteresting haha

Ex. enemies to lover, opposites attract, ugly duckling, one of the partners is super assertive/alpha, turning a corner and colliding with a romantic interest and spilling your books, blah blah blah

doesn't have to be romantic either just give me all the details (it's summer and i'm bored) ٩(๑❛ᴗ❛๑)۶
28 06,2019
I did all sorts of little things I guess.

I got a tattoo on my wrist that my mom and I designed together and I love it to bits. I plan on eventually getting a full sleeve because why not. I consider myself an artist so having art on my body permanently is a dream come true.

A few days ago a dyed parts of my hair a teal to purple ombre, but since my hair is like a bronze color of blonde it became streaks of like silver to lavender and I'm super happy, especially since I have never dyed my hair before.

I have a bad nail biting problem so I just paint my nails all the time in really pretty colors that dissuade me from chomping on them. I used to hide my hands all the time in high school, but now even if they are bitten when I don't have time to paint them, I'm not really ashamed of them anymore.

FInally pierced my ears about two months back and I'm loving them. I lowkey also want to pierce my tongue.

Exercise is on my list of to do things, but I always get a bad headache. The one thing I really enjoy though is bouldering, but I haven't done that for a while rip. Summer really does make you lazy.

Now it's your turn, anybody modifications, workout plans, or other things you did that made you love your body or yourself more?
28 06,2019
about question
trying to add to my rain playlist and any chill/low-fi songs are good (especially if they have rain sounds in them)

What I have so far:

winter melon valley- leon chang (this one is just more night themed but I like it regardless)
Flowers- In Love With a Ghost, Nori
vanished years- Like Saturn
iced tea for breakfast- In Love With a Ghost
Winter Fields (ft. Mklachu)- City Girl, mklachu
Raindrops- Elephant Revival
14 06,2021