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sourcandy's answer (6)

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22 07,2020
who voted for seungho?   reply
22 07,2020
love or hate, i hate all the three main characters especially taco bell head's emotionless face and boring ass personality and his stans are always so annoying "taco saint" "taco angel" shut up bella   1 reply
13 07,2020
about drawing
chile anyways   1 reply
13 07,2020
i cant believe no one mentioned him   3 reply
07 08,2020
yeah twice when i was in 10th grade, failed both times. At that time for some reason, i couldnt do well in my boards exam and all the insults from my parents was too much for me, i didnt eat anything for a few days but my mom was too angry about my marks to ask me to eat, my depression was skyrocketing and i didnt have any close friends i could tal......   1 reply
16 07,2020
fujos, come collect ya trash   2 reply
16 07,2020