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mj00's answer page 3 (559)

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about lmao
Literal Legend by Ayesha Erotica..imma listen to that shit until im a grandma idc idc   1 reply
07 11,2020
12 11,2020
Jujutsu kaisen ed...yall my momma rich rich   2 reply
12 11,2020
about question
Facetime everyday for 6 months and flew to his country to find out he was cheating for 3 months and got the girl pregnant...   5 reply
20 10,2023
about question
All i know her rapist husband who she be defending should be put behind bars   reply
28 01,2024
i would be a menace to society with all the rights I could have   1 reply
30 12,2023
05 02,2024
imo If ur still in ur early 20s or less definitely not, as shitty as it sounds, dating someone with a significant age gap when ur a young adult will just end up in a unhealthy and power imbalance relationship   reply
05 02,2024
say sike rn bro   reply
15 02,2024
about question
a billion dollars.   reply
25 12,2023
about question
20 01,2024
bro why u masturbating in school and u brought TOYS   reply
20 01,2024
21 01,2024
my pronouns are poor/broke   3 reply
21 01,2024
people who still buy unethical dog breeds ie french bulldogs,pugs,bull terriers etc should be put in jail.   reply
18 01,2024
about question
Genshin fandom unaliving cats cuz it resembles a character they hate   5 reply
21 01,2024
about question
too long   1 reply
01 10,2023
11 11,2020
pretty fucking done with my looks? Yes   reply
11 11,2020
about question
up until i was 10, my dumbass thought sex was just 2 ppl intensely holding hands and then become pregnant.   reply
30 03,2024
Those influencers that record themselves at public places and then get mad when ppl are 'ruining' their video...   reply
10 10,2023
they would put me in a straight jacket if I say it   1 reply
29 10,2023
about question
my nose cuz I can smell ur stinky ass from miles away   reply
29 10,2023