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.. that was the worst excuse to rape someone in a BL manga I've ever read. Like, wtf. And ...

KattCleo March 23, 2015 1:46 am

.. that was the worst excuse to rape someone in a BL manga I've ever read. Like, wtf. And I've heard many pathetic ones. Ok, I've heard worse, but the worst part is that this one takes itself seriously. Usually the stories with bizarre rape excuses are outright stupid, laughable and are just there for the laughs and the smut. But, WTF man?!? He vented out his stress by raping his gay coworker who FOR ONCE did good at his job? OII, THAT'S STILL A CRIME!! WHY IS THE UKE TAKING IT SO LAUGHABLY, even if he didn't get emotionally scarred, if that's how the seme takes his stress out, then he was dropped more than once as a baby... HOW CAN YOU FALL FOR SOMEONE SO BATSHIT CRAZY?!?

    Ray March 23, 2015 1:52 pm

    Actually the seme's so stupid he's cute . Matured ukes understand so that means you're just not matured enough to understand ...