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Aside from the internalized homophobia, slight misogyny and rape, it's quite cute. I'm jus...

Fafreer2 May 17, 2020 1:05 pm

Aside from the internalized homophobia, slight misogyny and rape, it's quite cute. I'm just happy that newer mangas are not like this anymore

    Lady P0ny July 26, 2020 9:39 am

    yeah, i totally agree. As I was re-reading this after years of the first read, I thought the exact same thing you did. I only forgave those things because it's an older manga, but if it was newer, I'd probably bitch about XD Oh, but I did enjoy that the rape was portrayed as a rape and not something romantic. Takayama stated and recognized it was a rape, and then Ishikawa also recognized what he did was rape and it was not ok (even tho he is an asshole lol), so I liked that the rape was not really taken lightly.

    RARE°INSIGHTS•やおい◼ October 3, 2023 7:03 pm

    Agree with but even for an old yaoi it was pretty good cuz of how uke was not keeping his feelings inside but telling seme right away that if you keep doing it i will fall for you , even if uke is insecure he tells amount of communication he has with seme makes it pretty good compared to today's yaois, for an old yaoi it was pretty good .