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firstly,the cover like calling seductively *cough* second, i hate cheating and betrayal i...

juicy July 25, 2015 6:12 pm

firstly,the cover like calling seductively *cough*

second, i hate cheating and betrayal in all forms.period.
but the cover win me over those comment like "the cheating isn't cringeworthy","i loveee this" blabla eventually win me over, HA!

third,you can think i'm such a stereotype or even klutz person.but this is what i yeah.

i think the cheating plot had one of the most hurt and fucked up excuse it's not "sorry,i love him better than you,so byebybe"-kind of cheating.

"i'm crazily in love with you,you're all mine,we're married but hey i made love with my father in our bed,even all this time i done 'things' with him still youre the one i love" kind of is dat shit.

and i kinda hate the things about his father the one saved him so eventually sex become normal for them. fuck don't use past for excuse.pooor ewon had same horrible past too.i agree with those comment before me.

it was great and funny story but i despise mookyul (and his father, but mostly mookyul coz i don't care about the father) until the last few chapter.and the dj's perfectly heal my heart *tears*

in the end my hate feelin remain on dat pres and ewon's mother.dat b*tch

    yelloheh September 15, 2015 10:21 am

    I understand what you say and it was a time when I thought like you. But I read the Dj, especially the one with Shangchul (the bodyguard) point of view. I won't tell it changed all my mind but I learned more about Ewon and his "father" relationship. It's somehow a sad love story about two people who missed themselves and couldn't find their hapiness together. It doesn't excuse Myokul's attitude of course but it explained many things in the main story with Ewon (I'm sorry if I'm confused but it's hard for me to explain my opinion correctly in english).