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Futsuu na Bokura no

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Yuki Nojin 2019 released.
Romance / School Life / Slice Of Life
Sıradan Bizlerin; ふつうな僕らの
Vol.2 Ch.7
Vol.2 Ch.6
266 voted


Tsubaki is a young girl who leaves Tokyo and moves to the seaside. Before classes begin, she recovers a lost scarf and a beautifully written letter that belongs to a young boy. She falls in love at first sight when she reads this letter and decides to try to find this boy at all costs. She soon discovers that he is in the same school as her, that his name is Ibuki and that he is a year older. Believing it's destiny, she tries to get closer to him but it turns out that he is hiding a secret...

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Other manga by the same author(s)



Bibi May 9, 2021

Vol.2 Ch.7

Jan 25, 2021

Vol.2 Ch.6

Dec 24, 2020

Vol.2 Ch.5

Sep 25, 2020

Vol.1 Ch.4

Aug 26, 2020

Vol.1 Ch.3

Aug 4, 2020

Vol.1 Ch.2

Jul 19, 2020

Vol.1 Ch.1

Jun 30, 2020
click to show all of the chapters


People are sharing things

Unpopular opinions ( SEX TURNOFFS)
1. Rape (of course). 2. Slutty Ukes, ESPECIALLY ones that constantly cheats on the Seme o...
What made you first read yaoi?
When I was a baby I had a friend we'd read mangas with, we usually read shounens but at on...
What's your first Yaoi/BL manga??
Easy! Mo dao zu shi ( ̄へ ̄)
What's your first Yaoi/BL manga??
I can't remember for sure if it was Blood Bank, Peach Love or Never Understand
Unpopular opinions ( SEX TURNOFFS)
using no lubricant istg yall this is such icky its like these damn authors WANT people to ...

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i'm allergic :( smells nice tho

15 hours
did touched grass

i want to lay down in it every time

16 hours
did touched grass

I'm one w the nature

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