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Sayonara, Itoshi No My Friend (Yaoi)

Enzou 2011 released.
Comedy / Drama / Romance / Slice Of Life / Yaoi
さよなら、愛しのマイフレンド; 永别了,我亲爱的朋友; Good-Bye, My Dear Friend
Vol.1 Ch.4.5
Vol.2 Ch.11 : [End]
Vol.2 Ch.10
144 voted


The following content is intended for mature audiences and may contain sexual themes, gore, violence and/or strong language. Discretion is advised.

Tatsuo is a makeup artist for a fashion photographer and is sick and tired of the models fawning over the new hairstylist, Haga. One morning, he comes across one of the models running out of Haga's room with tears in her eyes and has a long talk with him about how rude and antisocial he is. That's when Tatsuo realizes, Haga doesn't really know how to treat others and doesn't even have a single friend - until now? Also includes the spin-off "Moshi Koi da Toshite" (If This is Love, Goodbye My Dear Friend). To his co-workers, Hara Makoto appears to be the perfect elite--efficient, unruffled, and flawless, unlike his clumsy and easily flustered subordinate Mizusawa Souta. It'd be hard to find greater opposites anywhere and yet when the puppy-like Mizusawa confesses to his idol, no one's more surprised than Mizusawa when Shin accepts and they start dating. But perhaps life is relative and no matter how elite you are there's always someone else you just can't measure up to and sometimes the most hopeless person move mountains if the right person believes in them. Can Mizusawa help Shin get out of the shadow of his little brother and can Shin let Mizusawa bask in the warmth of his heart?

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