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Album Tag: Omegaverse

The art style and story is SO good.
Theres just nothing to hate about them.

Update: It's a baby
18 photo
31 07,2021 created

A “Knot” is kind of like a bulb type thing in the Seme’s penis that swells when they are aroused and keeps them locked inside their Uke during sex to increase chances of getting the Uke pregnant, this is called “Knotting”.
28 photo
25 07,2021 created

These photos are some of the most beautiful in my opinion of the manga, obviously it covers the 3 stories.
30 photo
10 07,2021 created

Cute babies from Omegaverse and Mpreg family
3 photo
28 04,2021 created

Trying to compile any omega x omega pairings because they're so refreshing in the A/B/O genre and so rare too!
0 photo
05 03,2021 created

156 photo
31 01,2021 created

6 photo
08 02,2021 created

14 photo
23 11,2020 created

It was super duper cute and funny.
+points for less misunderstandings
+points for an understanding top (Takagi)
+points for the fluffiness
+points for the funny parents
-points for the sensei >:(
8 photo
31 01,2021 created

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