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Why he blaming his mom for the rice on his collar? XDDDDD
The baby is jealous lmao
How to be out with your lover while still in the closet: "People notice less it's when you confidently strut in."
A tree blooming with laundry
Chiaki likes fat people
Thank god for dumb friends who think two fellas groping each other sounds like fighting XD
Open mouth, insert foot
"Do I like men ass?"

Why is this so funny to me?!? XDDD
Falls down but like a stripper
Foreigners in mangas in a nutshell
Jooin having an existential crisis over why Yahwi laughed (2/2)
Jooin having an existential crisis over why Yahwi laughed (1/2)
I ghost wrote that gay awakening comment lol
Just a bro waxing poetry about another bro's ass
Shit that tickles my funny bone.
5535 photos
26 07,2020 created

Popo's other album

  • Fuwa Fuwa Doki Doki Shit

    Shit that makes me softer than microwaved marshmallow. That mune kune shit. That revive me with smelling salts for I have swooned shit.

    1320 photos
  • My Lady Chin Chin is Bin Bin!

    Shit that gives me a girl boner

    2814 photos
  • Not Lube

    Substances that should never be inserted in anyone's bumholes.

    24 photos