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a grass slam
That protective huggggggggggggggg
the yaoi nipples~
The Ki- ahem I mean Hug of life
bondage much?
hnnnngggg weeeet
uwaaah caught me off guard
clooose veeeery closeeee
lick em Shiro
wall slam
-gulps- uwah this is gold~!
-sigh in pleasure- my fujoshi is satisfied
Oh my..... My imagination just went wild for a moment
-slurps- Look at them! It fuels my inner fujoshi so much
Look at that damn ukeish face.
Scenes where I would stare at it in many mixed feeling:
1) Astonishment
2) Drooling coz of my imaginations -wiggle eyebrows-
3) The beautiful in the art
65 photos
09 01,2016 created

Mashiro's other album