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D'awwwwwwwwwwwwwwww that's cute!!!
<span class="emoji emoji1f
D'awwwwwwwwwwwwwww Dio...! You cute dragon, you!
Protective master is a good master!
Ka-ka-ka-kawaii~! Hello kitty you're so pretty
I was freaking right!!! AH~ Youths in love~
It is who I think he is?
Manly tears are manly
AWWWW Sweet bros~!
AWWWWWW the cupping of Fon's face is so beautiful
whar a beautiful proposal officer!!
Haruharu and Hotaru are so cute
ITSH TOO CUTE. Hanashiro cries so prettily
Baka Kyoudai
Awww that blush
Hah! Can you compete with that, Inui-sempai???!!!
Fuhuhuhuhu -evil laugh-. Kamitani's, it will be dangerous when Kotarou's grown up is priceless
77 photos
14 01,2016 created

Mashiro's other album

  • STARE....

    Scenes where I would stare at it in many mixed feeling:
    1) Astonishment
    2) Drooling coz of my imaginations -wiggle eyebrows-
    3) The beautiful in the art

    65 photos
  • Kakko warai LOL

    54 photos
  • Nuuuuuuuu whyyyyyyyy!!!

    Where I would be:
    1) Mortified
    2) Sad
    3) Angry
    4) In disbelief

    28 photos