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I'm glad that we have this scene of him like learning what her home life was like
Like the look in her eyes is just desperate
honestly so sad, bc she didn't want Aria to live the same life she did
If my parents ever pulled this shit, I'd be so sad. Friends are really important to me
oh, he's a villain, typical. die old man
I swear if she kills herself, I will x sanfjkadjdknjsafjnewwjkgn please don't do it
I would commit mass destruction to protect this child.
Let's go QUEEN, please beat this fucking bitch up, ur dad sucks
I'm not crying, you are
Honey nO
I love the protective siblings thing. I wish that my and my sib were like that, but yeah, he's not
like this is so heart wrenching, this entire situation, and looking at how desperate she is
i'm dying,really want to know what happens,but I hate baby talk, gonna push through tho bc it's good
this scene is portrayed very well. the art really pushes the feeling of how desperate she is, makes
114 photos
04 09,2020 created

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