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translator has it right, this man can step on me whenever and where ever he pleases
For fucking real
am I the only one that thought "mmm, tiddies" ?
I just think that the explanation makes this amusing
my sense of humour is weird, I know
Who names their kid ScHaRT, I can't shart schart. I'm in tears XD
Look at her taking after Jae-ha, love it, she's so cute! 10/10 landing
So, Claude am I right? He so cute
when you hype yourself up n then make a mistake, I feel the pain
gosh, what a Chad, I love this mAn
her little hand clenching reminds me of the Arthur meme where he clenches his hand too
Um, perdon, but might I ask where tf his nips are? Why is it that people don't really draw nipples?
His sister is a very wise person, I salute her
whY is his sChMeat so fuckin big? uhh wtf sir, that ain't going to fit unless you're doing anal ;-;
the way she started drinking the MiLk, I can't, omg
He's really sitting here, barbecue sauce on his tiddies
like dAAamn
936 photos
09 09,2020 created

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