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Four people stranded on an island. This scene is HILARIOUS!
One god slept with the human. The other god gets a nosebleed over naked human . . . XD
One friend punched the other to convey their feelings. Ah, beautiful friendship . . .
This big kitty is afraid of haunted houses. Guess where they are going . . . *evil laughter*
He can't help but bully the one he loves, so he is scared of hurting the thing he cares for. Dog?
School chairman reveals fetishes . . . I would be weirded out too . . .
Teru is speaking of her memories of her deceased brother with "Daisy"
Clash of the editor's note and translator's note. I believe there are two kinds of people . . .
Editor vs. Translator . . . so effin' funny!
I like the way this editor thinks . . . ^_^
My G*D, that editor is HILARIOUS! It makes me want to read the manga even more!!!
This editor is so relatable! I LOVE THIS! XD
The editor's note is so true. I, also, would much rather prefer food over material gifts!
How can anyone say no to a face like that?! NO FAIR!
The author's note is hilarious! "It's a leopard!" Note: It's a jaguar. "IT'S A LEOPARD!"
Okay . . . this took a dark and evil path. Plus the plot twist . . . oh G*D.
239 photos
27 02,2016 created

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