Sorry, guys! During system maintenance, some functions like comment are unavailable.
Sorry was just imagining a life we’re you didn’t exist
OkaynoBut go off sis
I’m putting on shades, prepare to be baffled
How much longer
Lemme hit
I saw you do that fool
Needing an explanation
*stares in “why do I know your ass”*
Let me in rn
Okay sure
Get over here
Is this bitch stupid?
So im now finding out that i can add these directly to the album, in a way that includes the source link,
pfffffffffff thats not happening, im a screenshots person
Also 70% of these are originals so I will get petty if I see it anywhere ,im very possessive ,sorry
41 photos
25 10,2020 created

Dicktionary's other album

  • *crying noises*

    This was originally for stuff that are actually sad
    Then it turned into cute stuff
    Then I added funny stuff
    Basically it’s everything that makes me silent scream
    yh screw it, this is a random as hell list, but it is very organized to me
    welcome to my heck

    1273 photos
  • Love is an illusion

    I have way to many photos of this Webtoon
    and honestly my phone storage is in pain
    Lemme place this here

    63 photos
  • lmaooo

    140 photos