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when ur so charismatic u turn all the girl/boys gay ;p
tht moment u realize ur overpowered
when u have the worst luck
moment wn u look back and some1 is staring at u n u just lock awkward eye contact rofl
that moment wn u hear ur enemy plotting against u n start cookin up ur counter attack
That moment when ur tall scary friend shows up whn people r messin wth u.
moment when someone tries to steal ur man
im always that one person in the group that questions everything
tht moment when the quiet friend bursts out laughing
tht moment when that quite person is very talented
that moment when the friend wth a serious face all the time actually laughs
well said
when someone is 2 faced af
moment when 2 semes fight for whos gonna top
when u meet someone from a dating sight irl & they dont look like there profile pic AT ALL lmao
when u catch some1 tlkn shiiieeeet
tht moment when someone turns yandere
162 photos
16 04,2016 created

Leon Reiner Luka s. Zess's other album