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Welp you were supposed to eat ramen for dinner not him.
Smooth as fuck
This guy knows how to bargain.
Gunji, just keep agood distance cuz yo bro is psycho as fuck.
The psychological warefare route eh?
Nice. Snatch him while he is emotionally vulnerable
Let the conditioning begin!!!
Fuck him. Walk away! Let him crawl after you begging for forgiveness
Such a perfect moment
Yes! He refuses to be fuck buddies so they are boyfriends or a married couple
Mmmhm. Eye candy is desperately needed
Why is he so adorable
Yo ass purposely got drugged FML
That tail wag yo... not fair!!!!
Hes finally making a move.
Kaji, he was trying to give up on you. Why are you doing this to Haruki???
On stage in front of so many ppl... NOICE
That didn't work as planned eh?
280 photos
20 12,2020 created

Dee Dee's other album