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Cuz he saw your mother drooling over him LMFAOO
No the mood is ruined now.
Dumbasses. Of course he friggin knew!!!!
Awwwwww. He was reading up on that real good lolz.
Parents of the year lol
This bastard is just like his wife lol
Bitch it was obvious from day one.
Naaaaaaaaawwww! He meant his smartass assistant.
Lolz your fiance is adog person!!!
LMFAOO poor guy.
Lol the voices in his head are jaded against love
I love the way he sleeps!!!
Mortal enemies five minutes ago and now lovers.
Lozl we know you are the baby brother.
Boy gotta eat.
Lolz yep. Thou shalt not swindle the bean.
373 photos
03 01,2021 created

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