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Just cute!
How air-headed can he be? Really? She is so hopeless! lol
This couple is such a pair of idiots that they suit each other too well! lol
Poor Lord Wilford! He's so confused! lol
A new form of harassment! hahahaha
Damn sly dogs! lol
His Highness is so oblivious that he's fallen in love and bleeding that he thinks it's a disease!lol
What kind of encouragement is her brother doing? lol
The continuation of the poisoness bread!lol antidote
OMG I seriously died of laughter! Tears and my stomach hurts! LMAO
Omg too funny! Zeke is so playing "Fred" yet Fred is so dumb. All the other guys are just dying!
Too cute! I love how Ginrou is so upfront about things!
Lol to have the other person unaware of your feelings suddenly lay so freely next to you carelessly
Too have such perverted dreams and even act it out in front of the one you love. So embarrassing!
How is it right after a confession of love that the one you love is so scary? Haha
Lol. It's amazing how a person is so blind in their own relationship. It takes a third party to see.
Lol on a date and has a friend to instruct on the next step near by. hahaha
158 photos
10 05,2016 created

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