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lmao same, trash should be quiet
srly author srly?
please stop, you are just a fucking rapist
can authors stop making the rapist look like a victim please?
that's really hurtful boy...asking about someone else to someone that saif they love you
does people really be like that? like why would you say that.............
why you have to do that LMAO you just broke me
well you didn't do anything much to make they think anything else of you
nice words
paint me like one of your French girls
wtf is that t-shirt lol
not me crying like a baby
yes LMAO
bitch shut up, you're the one in the bad here wtf lol
are you srly surprise dude?
well it's not like you attitude helped him lol you introduced someone else as your boyfriend not him
yes you're
56 photos
09 01,2021 created

selena's other album