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Two hated characters dishing it out is fun to watch.

Serves him right!
Holy shit he's fucking sexy in this shot. Villains are always attractive in this mahwa...
Fangirl!!! Shipper on deck!!! Allies spotted!!!
That's kinda cute.....
Internal desire: be Rino....
I agree translator.
He was on the brink of a life lesson..... until those last comments...
Woah, even tanaka can move fast if it means getting tone lazy!!

Like a lightning bolt!
An exclamation point.... Rarely used by tanaka!!!
His eyes are that of a devil... 0.0
I'm running out of ways to praise him.....
I never take any classes seriously either.... School is hell...
Can I be like him?
Tanaka!!!! I agree with your lazy desires!
Summer makes the air conditioner a god... =w=
563 photos
24 05,2016 created

Scarla's other album

  • Comedy sweep

    such laugh. much funny.

    461 photos
  • power/epic.

    142 photos
  • random&comments

    these are mainly random pictures. some are cute, some are funny, some are just plain weird... most i make comments on, so enjoy.

    343 photos