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Komarin... Your master is a piece of junk too...
Mad scientist syndrome; you get blamed for everything Kamui...
Kamui, can I kill you. Artificial zombies....
Huh... How nice.
That comment! Yes, I agree lavi >w<
Those two are a god combo. Fucking amazing together!!!
He REEEALLY wants to get killed.... Haha.
He just got fucked by the devil! Poor kid, lost his virginity to a demon.
*giggles* She splashed him with water!!! Good going bell!!!
Poor little bell, not her fault she's cursed. Don't throw her out just cause she got you locked up!
............ Really?
I think God is telling you to slow the fuck down...
Cute face, fierce attitude.
Although others see it like this....
He's such a good friend. Listening to Oshiba's issues all the time like that.....
Awww~ poor kitty!
He's taking that the wrong way. This guy is nothing but a bundle of rash emotions.
563 photos
24 05,2016 created

Scarla's other album

  • Comedy sweep

    such laugh. much funny.

    461 photos
  • power/epic.

    142 photos
  • random&comments

    these are mainly random pictures. some are cute, some are funny, some are just plain weird... most i make comments on, so enjoy.

    343 photos