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Heh... It'd be nice to be a demon.
"exclusive top" Oh, so he's a dom. Hmm.
hah... pig!
pfft! he fell for it!!
Welp. His face is practically painted with "I'm going to be living in fucking hell now"
What... Is she doing?
it makes me curious as to why eibon would just randomly show up...
oh~~ i'd love to see how this fails~!
Oh dear...
ppfft. what the hell is transfusion!?
if the sun were capable of taking steroids....
"The desert desert" ..... Sahara means "desert" .... this is just redundant.
I wonder what crona's poem is now...
The power of poetry...
A little White lie~!
hehe... heheheheheheheheh.... Don't trust the cute ones.
563 photos
24 05,2016 created

Scarla's other album

  • Comedy sweep

    such laugh. much funny.

    461 photos
  • power/epic.

    142 photos
  • random&comments

    these are mainly random pictures. some are cute, some are funny, some are just plain weird... most i make comments on, so enjoy.

    343 photos