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Yes! Good idea! course!
Phew...that was a close one
Nope I think he has the right one xD
That's definitely worth a high five!
Yes he can!
Really it's nothing.
At leat he asks for his opinion...
Yes the characters have to know their roles in mangas! xDD
Aww poor Hirano, he's always just the third wheel :< but it's funny anyway thehehe....
Socially awkward doubled! xDD
Yup, that's me too.
Gyahaha, could be me!
That's how it is, deal with it!
Well.. fuck the time and place right? Poor taxi driver though xD
If you don't want to say it, you...HAVE TO SAY IT ANYWAY!!
Somehow...he looks half-dead?
773 photos
26 05,2016 created

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