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why can't i be soo handsome as him....wait.....i am a girl....but still......
kiss kiss kiss kiss kiss kisss kisss kisss kiss kiss kiss kiss kiss kiss kiss kiss kiss kisss kisss kisss kiss kiss kiss kis kiss kiss kiss
they look soo happy<3
i love how they laugh
2nd threesome couple i accept<3
pretty hair.....i know why u like it seme
i want to fall in love too.....cry....
why does their love have to end so cruelly
sad......but the ending is good
i ship this guy with another guys...why does this have to be shoujo...sigh...
what manga is this?????
2 of my fav couple
i am so glad u guys aren't dead
intresting couple that i like
148 photos
31 05,2016 created

miyabi123456789's other album