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and he's using a condom so that the author can show that he's a better person than the sensei
if only this wans't so overly saccharine then i might actually put this in my to read list
this is some fucking shit
why is this kinda hot
ell oh ell
just right away like damn
bitch not already you just started
i'm not reading the rest of this actaully
of for fucks sake man why is it censored now
was thinking that this was bad until i saw that it's UNCENSORED
,,, is thst the conclusion
823 photos
21 02,2021 created

fushidfard's other album

  • otheralbum

    since making this alsum i have realized that i'm gay so i'm probably not goiing to add much to this album anymore (not that i did in the first placelol)

    31 photos
  • misc

    funny shit or me reacting to shit

    356 photos
  • fart

    (non sexual) pretty art/characters yeah

    54 photos