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Literally this shit made me cry, like it definitly hit home
idk why, just...
JAJAJAJAJAJAJA not cute, but the urine thing really make it for me, so funny
Aaaaaaaaaaahhhhhhhh I just panicked, like how can he be so handsome?????
Junpei looks sooooo cooool on this one, even if it´s just a small image, he loos amazing
I feel agraveted by this, oh my god the artist had no right to make him so hot on that one
Sooooooooo cuuuuteee the way her face turn all red, I would love to draw that one day
I just find really funny his thoght process
Aaaaahhhhh this is actually how it feels when stare at
I love the angst
Even thoght the uke is creappy and everything that is wrong in this world, this is really cute
No explanation, just see THAT!!!!!
They look so like, extra cute and all that, it´s giving me a really hard summer vibes
The face he does when the other one tells him that he is annoying
161 photos
27 02,2021 created

Ari's other album