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you can tell they're besties, they both default to lying about people being dead lmao
thats your best idea? he DIED??? come up with a normal lie buddy
she's so fucking lucky. god he's hot
ladies and gentlemen, we got him!
i'm a simple woman i see a blonde man i simp
they are such real ones
it hurts... itai...
baby ;a;
those two npcs that have their arms linked for no damn reason are just kinda charming to me.
the art here is soooo cuuute!
you son of a bitch i'm going to kill you
*sigh* always find this kind of thing frustrating. being bi is okay man.
his friend... ally of the year thank you for your service king
this guy is fucking insane. like. he's 3 bad days away from becoming a serial killer
584 photos
20 04,2021 created

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