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I do love how she looks while blushing :D
Doc in a suit looks good!
I really like that look on her~!!
Uffff he actually looks good when he said about the dream :D
Even despite all he did and that she'd already be married, I'd definitely take him as a lover ;o
Something tells me he won't make it... So pitiful, to lose such beauty...
I really like her char design. Most big-boobed chars end up with MASSIVE tits, but hers are tasteful
That sad, lonesome face just breaks my heart
My heart really feels for this guy... To have fallen in love with someone after they've died...
She's so cool damned it!
OMG OMG OMG Akiyama is a lefty!!!
That face right there... *shudder*
Dark hair, glasses, mole... Damb
That blush...
The power of glasses xD (also... just a page before you could see no glasses under the helmet!)
I don't like Shishio but.... damn he looks hot there :P
I think Chi was the only male that aged well in that timeskip....
Oh Chi, you adorable thing
Whoever looks hot. Probably with some NSFW entries
Tags: hot NSFW sexy
142 photos
19 09,2016 created

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