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Him being a typical angry short guy is wild.To be mad at someone else for being a loser is crazier.
Fucking military kids
Who tf are these braided Rapunzel twins fresh outta the tower(juvi) as motherfuckers.
What does that have to do with you sir have the old hag go instead tf
Witch if you don’t magically Molly wop this npc
This stupid bimbo
Stfu and just be happy for him, like damn
WTF the dad literally said “aww boo hoo
Jesus Christ this man is so spineless
Why are you so boneless at your big age?
Nah we can’t let that slide babe. You gotta put him tf DOWN. Bring me my
Not the ml of a era themed manga being historically accurate
Ok so I assume she sleep completely outside the tent or stayed up keeping watch then
As his knight it would’ve been your duty to carry him back to his own lavish tent and bed
It really wouldn’t since you order her to be headed by rapist, you could wait outside the tent
Mm I see why you so angry all the damn time… look at your underbite bro
As expected of this ignorant bleached blanket banshee
161 photos
20 06,2021 created

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