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That’s why your cut look like that from the back
Babes idk what tragedy you’ve been through but this is a standard question for safety reasons. Relax
As a solider why would you ever trust anyone you should be an iron wall. This cliche is so annoying
I don’t like this weird ass cliche. Like at this point on top of being an agent I would feel disgust
Oooo she’s a lil light headed huh
I get it but at the same time…… he’s going through a break up over a relationship he never had
Not freckles pursing segregation. Disappointed
Ew no like genuinely
Why do Yaoi authors always have to add second hand embarrassment scenes. CRINGE
No she wasn’t protecting anything she was simply committing homicide for her own benefit not defense
Eeewww once again these two give me the ick bro. Like just fuck and live happily ever after goofy az
Eeeewww these two gross out. I can’t
He’s a child as well she could’ve reformed him before doing this and why was he the only one to still get taken away
So she knew this yet called the kid pretty to Carlson’s face. Huh?
I’m so tired of her like how tf do bump into someone in a long empty walk way you clumsy bimbo
That’s rape but ok
That’s a DICK lickin tongue. So uh finished reading this and all I can say is…. I know a sucker mf when I see one
Sexist people are sexually frustrated and horny/
161 photos
20 06,2021 created

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